Sunshine Library

Sunshine School Library Information

The Sunshine School Library is operated by the 4 year old children with Mrs. Carleen’s supervision.  The following practices allow the library to run smoothly:

  1. Thursday is Library day.  Books are due back in the library every Thursday.
  2. Books should be transported to and from school in the book bag.  When not being read at home, it’s a good idea to keep the book in the bag for ease of location and care.
  3. There is a book return box in the coat room.  Books can be left there any day they are returned.
  4. The library card should be returned with the book.
  5. Only one book is allowed home at a time.  The book from the previous week must be returned before another is taken out.
  6. Always remember the three “C’s” when handling books – clean hands, careful hands and caring hands.

Please see Mrs. Carleen with any questions.  Thank you!

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