More Turkeys… and reminders.

Due to the success of our food drive, we have decided to continue it through the end of the year.  The collection box will remain in the coat room.  Thank you for all your generous donations. Reminder:  Mrs. Carleen’s movement education classes are on Tuesdays.  These are very active days and we would like to […]

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Train Trip Movie

Sunshine School Train Trip 2010 from sunshine school on Vimeo.

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Library Trip

Thank you Ms. Karen for teaching us about the three C’s (Clean hands, Careful hands and Caring hands) and how to care for our library books. We had a great time!

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Gobble, Gobble

The family turkeys are starting to pop up in the halls of the Sunshine School.  Our Sunshine families are really going all out this year!  Stop by to view all the wonderful creations. Reminders: Our Thanksgiving Food Drive is running until 11/23.  Thank you for all your contributions. School is closed on 11/11 for Veterans […]

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November reminders

November Reminders: the color of the month is BROWN check the Calendar for the letter and word of the week Sunshine School Library opens on 11/23 November 4 Yr. Old Field Trips:  11/12 Library Trips, 11/16 and 11/18 Train Trips.  Please be advised that the activity fee for the Train Trip covers the cost of […]

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