4 Yr. Pictures TODAY

4 Year old Class Pictures are today. ALSO:  a reminder from our Sunshine Mom – Mellissa Divitto. Save the date Thurs. March 31st at 9:30am at the Sunshine School on Dutcher Ave.  I will be doing a fundraiser for a 3 year old little boy who lives in the community of Pawling. His name is […]

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PJ Fundraiser postponed.

Due to the weather forecast and the possibility of a delayed opening, the Pajama Fundraiser that was scheduled for tomorrow has been moved to Thursday the 31st.  Thank you for your understanding.

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Early Dismissal!

Due to the pending weather conditions, the Sunshine School is closing at 12:00 today.  No lunch or afternoon session.  The AM children are still welcome to wear their PJ’s for the fundraiser!

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Pajama Day Fundraiser starts tomorrow!

We are getting ready for our Pajama Day Fundraiser!  Please remember your child’s $3.00 donation to participate.  Also, all parents and family members are welcome to join us for the fun!  Sunshine Mom – Mellissa Divitto has been working extra hard to make this a fun filled experience for all the children.  So far these […]

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Well, those tricky leprechaun’s fooled us again.  The Sunshine School juice was turned green!  The children enjoyed the green juice with homemade green rice crispy treats made with Mrs. Muller. Please keep in mind that picture day is the 28th and 29th of March.  You should have received a form in your child’s cubby.  Please […]

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More reminders and photos

Just a few reminders: Kindergarten screening for Dover/Wingdale is March 22-25.  Contact number is 845-832-4530 for info. Kindergarten orientation for Pawling is March 24th at 7pm.  Screening dates are April 11-15.  Contact number is 845-855-4607. Kindergarten registration for Matthew Paterson is March 21-22.  Contact number is 845-878-3211. Sunshine School Picture Days are March 28th and […]

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The Sunshine School morning session will begin at 10am, the afternoon session will begin at 1pm and lunch will be at 12:00.

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Pajama Day Fundraiser

The Sunshine School will be having a fundraiser on March 23rd and 24th to help raise money for a beautiful and inspiring 3 year old boy who lives in the community of Pawling.  Ty has a very rare form of aggressive cancer called extra renal rhaboid tumor. We are doing a very simple fundraiser to […]

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