Winter reminders….

*The Sunshine School has been invited to participate in the Village of Pawling ☘️ St. Patrick’s Day parade on 2/22, snow date 2/23. Sign-up sheet is in the coatroom. The parade is being organized by the merchants of Pawling. The children will be marching behind the Sunshine School banner that they will help create… and carrying their very special St. Patrick’s Day artwork. The parade is starting at 11am. All Sunshine participants will meet near the upper parking lot of the Pawling Library.

*Our Valentine’s Day parties will be 2/13 and 2/14. We are beginning our tissue box mailboxes soon. Should you choose to send in Valentines from your child…. please label them to “Friend” from your child. This will help in the sorting process as the children will be “mailing” their own Valentine’s this year.

*No school on 2/17 for President’s Day,

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