Fall reminders…

Columbus Day 10/14 – No School.

Fall Festival Wednesday 10/30. Children may wear their costumes. No masks or weapons please. Parents and family members are welcome (not required) to attend the festival which begins at 9:30. The sign-up sheet is in the coatroom if you would like to send in a party item or special treat. Thank you so much.

Halloween Party on 10/31. Children may wear their costumes. No masks or weapons please. A sign-up sheet is in the coatroom if you would like to send in a party item or special treat. Thank you!

Veteran’s Day 11/11 – No School.

November is transportation month. We will be taking a train ride on 11/15. Sign-up sheet coming soon.

Family Art Show Night at Sunshine School will be 11/20 at 6:30pm.

Thanksgiving recess is 11/27-11/29.

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