


  •  School will be OPEN on 11/8 Election Day.
  •  School is CLOSED on 11/11 Veteran’s Day.
  •  School is CLOSED on 11/23-11/24-11/25 for Thanksgiving.
  • 4 Year old class TRAIN TRIP on 11/17.  One chaperone per student please!
  • MEET THE TEACHER/ART SHOW on 11/9 at 7PM please RSVP ASAP!
  • Student Directory will be printed this month, please returned your forms to Ms. Andrea by next week.  Thank you.
  • We are still collecting food for our annual Thanksgiving food drive.  Collection box is in the coat room.  Thank you for your generosity.
  • Please check this website, or call 855-9238 for information regarding weather closings and delays.



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