Science and Art

Science and Art at The Sunshine School

The Sunshine School students watched and waited as their butterflies took flight.  The students learned the different stages a butterfly goes through and watched the transformation in Mrs. Muller’s science classroom.  Today the butterflies were ready to take flight.  We noticed that they all flew off in the same direction!

Creative inspiration came from nature as Mrs. Reed’s art class tempera painted on easels outside.  The budding artists heard the sound of a water fountain, basked in the warm sunshine and were refreshed with cool breezes as they used  “Artistic License” to create their masterpieces.


Last week the Sunshine School said goodbye to the turtle that was rescued from the playground last season.  Sunshine turtle was lucky enough to be cared for all winter by a friend of our school Linda Gould.  Thank you Mrs. Gould for helping our turtle have a safe return to the wild.

Turtle photos by Mrs. C. Walsh

Bye bye Sunshine turtle.  Enjoy the swamp!

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