Spring Reminders

**Sunshine Garden – Photo by Mrs. Reed**

Finally!  The warm weather has arrived and the Sunshine School is blooming with color… inside and outside.   The children have been busy as bees in the art room and their creations are adding some much needed spring fever to our walls.   Also, Mrs. Muller has been gardening with the students and they are delighted to see their seeds growing into tiny plants.

A few reminders:

  • Picture packages are due back with payments and any returned photos.  Thank you.
  • 3 Year Old Conferences are Monday May 2.  There is NO SCHOOL on this day.
  • The 3 Year Old Pizza Trips to Mama’s are on May 18th and 25th.  Please see the sign up sheets in the coatroom.   Anyone who is not able to view the sign up sheets can call the school for more information.
  • Now that the weather has finally warmed up and the sun is getting hotter, please remember to apply sunblock to your child as needed.  Also, we would prefer that children not wear flip flops or backless sandals to school.   These types of shoes can be the cause of mishaps and falls on the playground.  Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
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