Valentine List and Party Info


4 Yr AM/PM/Full Day 4 Yr  PM/Full Day 3 Yr  AM/PM/Full Day
Addie Addie Addie
Ayah Alexa Anne
Brandon Brandon Antonio
Brianna Brianna Ayah
Carter Chelsea Baily
Charlotte Erin Brian
Chelsea Greyson Bryce
Enzo James Chloe
Erin John Michael Christopher
Greyson Joseph Cole
James Joslyn Dominik
John Michael Julia Greyson
Joseph Kaitlyn Harper
Josie Katie Bella Jack
Joslyn Kayleigh John Michael
Julia Kenny Josie
Kaitlyn Kevin M Joslyn
Katie Bella Kevin P Julia
Kayleigh Lea Kamryn
Kevin M Maggie Lee Kate
Kevin P Molly Katie Bella
Lauren Molly Mae Kayleigh
Lily Riley Klara
Marc Shannon Lea
Molly Sophia P Lucas
Molly Mae Sophia S Lyndsey
Noah Tessa Madelyn
Olivia Trey Mica
Riley Tyler Molly
Sara Zachary Molly Mae
Shannon Riley
Sophia P Sara D
Sophia S Tyler
Trey Zachary
  • There is a mailbox in the coat room for Valentines.  Please label them by class.
  • Note to 4 Year Old Parents. There will be an envelope in your child’s cubby.  Please help him/her to address it and return it to school before the class trip to the post office on February 12th.
  • Valentine Parties are coming! The 3 year old classes will be having one party starting at 11:00 on 2/14.  The 4 year old classes are having 2 parties on Friday 2/11.  Sign up sheets are in the coat room on the bulletin board.  If you do not have access to the sign up sheets, please contact the school and we will be happy to help.

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